Crisis Management

Cyber Crisis Management

Join us at Cyber Week for our Cyber Crisis Management Conference. Hear keynotes from leading experts and participate in a live cyber crisis simulation led with Cytactic and top cyber tech firms. See a cutting-edge Digital Cyber Crisis Readiness & Management Platform in action. See you there!

Wednesday, June 26

  • Gathering & Registration

  • Opening Remarks

    • Gili Drob-Heistein, Executive Director, Blavatnik ICRC and Yuval Ne’eman Workshop for Science, Technology and Security
  • Trends in Cyber Crises

    • Menny Barzilay, CEO, Milestone; CTO, Blavatnik Interdisciplinary Cyber Research Center, Tel Aviv University
  • Prevention vs Response – Cybereconomics of the Inevitable

  • Multi-Participant Cyber Crisis Management Simulation

    • Keren Pakes, Global Marketing & Crisis Communications Adviser, Cytactic
  • Discussion: Insights from the Crisis Management Simulation

  • Coffee Break

  • Remarks

  • Cyber Crisis Management from the Perspective of Cyber Insurance

  • Negotiation Management in the Crisis Arena

  • Cyber Crisis Readiness: Expert Panel Discussion

    • Moderator:

      Menny Barzilay, CEO, Milestone; CTO, Blavatnik Interdisciplinary Cyber Research Center, Tel Aviv University
    • Rafi Mizrahi, Director of Cyber Operation, Israel National Cyber Directorate
  • Cyber Crisis Management: The Human Factor

    • Moderator:

      Omer Bejerano, Head of Customer Success & Services, Cytactic
    • Dana Toren, Head of the Israeli National CERT, INCD
    • Sara Kop, CISO, INTENSITY Global Group, Gillat Satellite Network & Tirat zvi (Tnuva)
  • Closing Remarks

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