AI Regulation & Data Protection

From AI Regulation Around the Globe to Data Protection in Time of Conflict

Once futuristic in nature, artificial intelligence has swept into the mainstream over the past 18 months with generative AI capturing the imagination of coders, business leaders and artists alike. Overnight, governments and businesses have begun to deploy AI for a vast array of use cases. In the first part of this session, academics, government officials and industry voices discuss the emerging legal and regulatory framework for AI in the European Union, United States, China and Israel. In the second part, the debate will focus on the difficult policy tradeoffs for privacy in times of war. Unlike any past conflict, October 7 and the war in Gaza have featured use of sophisticated technological tools and AI for purposes ranging from identification of casualties and hostages to assisting air and ground forces in military operations. How can we use technology responsibly even in a time when national interests overshadow individual rights?

Wednesday, June 26

  • Reception

  • Panel I: AI Regulatory Landscape in Israel and Globally: From established law to new paradigms


    • Moderator:

      Jules Polonetsky, CEO, Future of Privacy Forum; Co-Founder, Israel Tech Policy Institute
    • Amit Ashkenazi, Former Head Legal Department of the INCD; Research Fellow, Shamgar Center
    • Nir Gerson, Deputy Legal Adviser, Israeli Privacy Protection Authority
  • Coffee Break

  • Panel II: Privacy in Times of War: Limitations, Challenges, and Lessons Learned

    • Moderator:

      Rivki Dvash, Senior Fellow, ITPI; Public Policy Consultant
  • Opening Speaker:

  • Panelists:

    Dr. Adv. Sunny Kalev, Senior Researcher, Innovation and Policy Development Department, the Israeli Privacy Protection Authority, Ministry of Justice

    Adv. Noa Diamond, Clinical Legal Instructor, Tel Aviv University – The Buchmann Faculty of Law

    Gadi Evron, CEO and Founder, Knostic

  • Closing Remarks

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