Alana Herbst

Financial Crimes Team Manager, EverC


Alana made Aliyah to Israel 8 years ago after completing a dual major bachelor’s degree in National and Homeland Security with a focus on terrorism and Arabic from American University in Washington, DC, which included a one-year stint living in Amman, Jordan. Once in Israel, Alana drafted into the IDF as a lone soldier in Isuf Kravi (Combat Intelligence) and signed additional time in Modi’in (Intelligence).

Upon her release, she joined a private consulting agency focusing on deep web intelligence, risk consulting, risk advisory innovation and social media assessments and also received a Master’s Degree in Security from Tel Aviv University.

She is now at EverC where she is the Financial Crimes Manager for a global team focusing on the identification, development and implementation of risk methodologies to detect and analyse various financial crimes, assessing their impact and creating tailored mitigation plans for a variety of financial institutions.


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