Brig. Gen. (Res.) Rami Efrati

Former Head of the Civilian Sector Israel National Cyber Bureau, Prime Minister’s Office


Brig. Gen. (Res.) Rami Efrati has served in the Israel Defense Forces for more than twenty-eight years. He commanded numerous prestigious operational and technological positions in Military Intelligence and received the Creative Thinking Award from the Director of Military Intelligence.

With his many years of experience in anti-terrorism and Intelligence technology Mr. Rami Efrati is an expert in Cyber Strategic Methods. He is one of the founding members and former Head the Civilian Division of the Israel National Cyber Bureau in the Prime Minister’s Office. In this capacity he raised Israel to a leading position in the civilian aspects of global Cyber Security and brought multi-national companies to open cyber R&D centers in Israel. Mr. Efrati has leveraged the existential cyber threat to Israel into a unique business opportunity encouraging the development of a large cyber ecosystem supporting hundreds of new cyber related startups.

Mr. Efrati is currently involved in international level strategic projects for Cyber Security and innovation focusing on state-of-the-art methods and technologies to identify the key priorities at the right time to make sure governments and companies benefit from Cyber Security.

Mr. Efrati is serving the community as Past District Governor of Lions Clubs International in Israel.


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